Before & After

The new logo started out with the same gold and gray color scheme, I am glad I changed it.

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How Business Works

Show me someone who says they have never encountered this and I will show you a liar or someone with numb legs…

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RVA MediaWorks

Now THAT’s a logo…. So yeah, Trevor and I have been working hard to do all of that pesky business startup stuff… It’s funny, we have been so busy with actual work that we have little more than a logo to show off for our own identity. Now… if you are my full time employer… […]

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Money and Perks, Not Root of Happiness

Like most of Americans, I have a job. I guess you could call it a career even. But I have this gut feeling that it’s not MY career. If you know me from the internet, you might guess that I am somehow intertwined with the computer industry in some way. As much as I would […]

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Net Neutrality and Me…

Take a look at this image… This is a “mockup”, if you will, for service offerings for internet service post net neutrality. The basics of net neutrality is that everyone should have equal access and equal right to the internet, as it is today. It has been suspected that the big shareholders of the internet […]

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No Google in 700MHz…… :(

So it’s official, Google was not “in it to win it” apparently and Verizon and AT&T were the big spenders. I know some of this spectrum was earmarked for “Open Access”, or some similar description, so at least there’s that. I guess I will have to pack up and put away my dreams of a […]

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River City Tech Support

I have been working on this for a while and am ready to share it with everyone. I love my current job and don’t plan on going anywhere, a little disclaimer incase co-workers are stalking me. I do, however, like the idea of making some additional income. I have been a computer geek for a […]

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So long HD-DVD. As many tech news followers have been expecting, Toshiba finally waved the white flag and made it official. Blue-Ray wins and HD-DVD gets the BetaMax treatment. “We have reviewed the overall strategy for the HD DVD and concluded that it is best that we not further develop, manufacture, and market HD DVD […]

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WordPress as my business website platform…

Looks like WordPress is getting lots o’ love from me lately.  I am building a site for the side business I am starting and have been battling with my options for a web platform. I thought about building from scratch, but I can’t say that I am THAT good. I have considered WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, […]

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