Weight Loss Commence!

Current Weight

Ok, there it is. My first public weigh in number is posted and will remain in the sidebar until I hit my goal weight of 185. That’s right. I need to lose 70 pounds! And I need to do it by October 1st.

There are a few of you out there that have generously offered to assist me in this process. For you and anyone else interested in keeping an eye on my number, all I need you to do is to bust my chops if the number doesn’t go down on a weekly basis. I will be posting some data about my eating and exercising habits along the way as well, but the number IS KEY.

My main reason for doing this is that I have always been VERY self conscious about my appearance and have been unhappy with said appearance for a VERY long time. I tend to avoid and hide as opposed to face and fight. So I guess this is my first punch, exploit my uncomfortable self to the interweb in hopes that it helps my motivation to push for results.

I am not going to bore you with the details of my plan. Partly because it’s boring info, but also because it’s not very specific.

Basically – Eat Less and Exercise 5 Days a week in some way for a minimum of 30 minutes.

I really hope I can get this going and start seeing results. I am heaver than I ever have been and it, no pun intended, weighs on me EVERY DAY.

You should also be “seeing” more of me in my online presence. By that I mean I am going to be replacing all of my cool logos with actual images of myself. Twitter, this site, etc. It’s time I get comfortable with myself a little more. I should be happy, heavy or not….

So here we go. I pray that God challenges me to bring out my best and that my online pals will bust my chops if I don’t. It starts NOW.

I will be doing weigh ins on Mondays, so the weight status will update weekly. Keep an eye out, hopefully the numbers will be falling like Wal-Mart prices!

2 Comments on “Weight Loss Commence!

  1. Sounds like you’re well on your way with keeping those goals, Kamen! I’m in the same boat as you are and have a similar goal weight. Like to get down to 180 myself and I’m sitting at 194 right now. I’m weighing in on Mondays too.

    FYI, if you’re looking at for a weight tracking widget, here’s one I use:


    Sounds like you’ve figured out to love yourself first and part of that is being happy with the way you look as well as your inside.

    As Larry the Cable Guy says “git ‘er dun.” 😀