Windows, I Do Not Miss Thee

So I had to take an exam (of sorts) yesterday and it had 50 questions, half of which were based on Windows. I knew 95% of them without looking up the answers, but it made em realize that I have been Windows free for some time now! My favorite question was this….. When using the […]

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This Modern Life

Gone are the days of olde… Screens are our lifeblood, our source of information, and our outlets for entertainment. Some days I should just close the laptop and pickup a book. Magazine, Novel, Bible, whatever… 2344695659_c898fc36a4_o.jpg JPEG Image, 600×251 pixels.

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Net Neutrality and Me…

Take a look at this image… This is a “mockup”, if you will, for service offerings for internet service post net neutrality. The basics of net neutrality is that everyone should have equal access and equal right to the internet, as it is today. It has been suspected that the big shareholders of the internet […]

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Verizon FiOS Makes Me Happy…

3AM Josh posted his results and I just had to post mine as well. I used to have a Comcast cable modem and it was pretty decent. Verizon FiOS kicks the pants off of Comcast though… The ONE and only disadvantage… Verizon blocks incoming port 80 requests, so I can’t run Kamen Lee Dot […]

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Twitter……. The Next Friendster?

Twitter is awesome……when it is working. And for some reason there have been some monumental outages recently. We’re talking serious downtimes. The last two days, for example, has been extremely slow if not down altogether. See, I am officially addicted to Twitter and I need my Twitter fix on a daily basis. If Twitter is […]

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Boston Dynamics Big Dog

Watch this whole video, it’s freaking crazy. The first thing I thought when I saw it was “Yeah, big deal, kick it over, problem solved”. I guess that was my first thought since I recently played Portal. It’s amazing how it recovers, extremely human like. It also walks across ice and manages to stay up […]

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The Worlds First Digital Camera

  Cassette and all, it’s the worlds first digital camera. Seriously…. I am thinking about turning in my Nikon D70 for one of these bad boys. I mean, I can probably get like 1 frame a min. with this thing.

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Glowing Apple iPhone Mod…

This is a pretty crazy mod. So everyone loves the glowing Apple logo on the back of Apple laptops. Obviously the next logical step would be to have the ubiquitous glowing fruit on the back of iPhones!

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Net Neutrality vs. Net Reality

(via My Extra Life Dot Com) What do you think. Pretty accurate right? Net Neutrality is a big issue, but the informed is a much smaller group than user group that would be affected. Though this comic is dealing with delivery to young people, I guarantee the same thing would happen in most office buildings […]

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NASA – Methane Engine (Awesome)

NASA made a SWEET rocket engine. At first things look like a normal rocket, then things get awesome. Can you imagine watching a current day shuttle or rocket taking off with a HUGE one of these attached? It kind of reminds me of the Jetsons, I’m not sure why though. I think all new generation […]

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