Blog365 Day of Rest


Blog365 is running pretty well. We are at the end of the second month and from what I can tell, many of the 1345 members have been blogging daily as challenged. Since it’s leap year and I didn’t want to call the challenge Blog366, we get a day of rest!

I am hoping that I will not see one update on the MegaFeed tomorrow, but something tells me people might work on their day off because they can’t kick the habit for a day.

So if you are a part of Blog365, go do something else tomorrow, take a break, it’s been two months, you deserve it!

Blog On! (Except for Tomorrow!)


7 Comments on “Blog365 Day of Rest

  1. I was debating but I’ve decided not to post and honor the day. :o)
    Instead, I’m taking tonight off, which is when I would put my post up for tomorrow, and take my fams out to dinner!

  2. Pingback: Blog 365 Day Of Rest | Complex Simplicity

  3. I can’t not blog on Friday! That’s the one day of the week I also post on both of my blogs because it’s Haiku Friday. LOL

    So … if I post tomorrow can I take one of the weekend days off instead?
    Hugs and blessings,

  4. Seems funny to find your post in the Mega Feed today on the 29th! LOL
    Actually there were 75 new posts when I checked just now. Of course neither of mine showed up as usual because of whatever ‘glitch’ is keeping them blocked. Such is life. I confess I posted Haiku on both of my blogs as usual but maybe I’ll take one of the days off this weekend instead (or not).

    Thanks for the info about your Dell. I appreciate you taking the time to share.
    Hugs and blessings

  5. My blog rules are a post every day. This keeps the blog healthy, wealthy, and wise…well maybe not wealthy or wise 🙂

    So I couldn’t take a day off to leap…