Posted on Feb 27, 2007
I have never heard anyone say “Why yes, closing on a house is as easy and mindless as watching the latest round of Idol”. Instead I hear that it’s an experience I won’t soon forget. I am glad about that, but we are in the middle of that experience right now. Yay for us!
There won’t be a walk through today because the current owner has yet to move the remainder of his stuff out. He is supposedly doing it today, which I am a going to find out for sure this evening. Pending that, we now have our walk through scheduled for tomorrow, one hour before closing. Talk about a tight schedule right? I think it’s going to happen, sometimes tight deadlines and schedules make things happen that otherwise might lag. One thing is for sure. Just like everyone we have talked to, we’ll have a story to tell when it’s over.
Posted on Feb 27, 2007
It’s final walk through day!
Although we have been in the house several times, today will be the last time we go in before it’s ours! It has been quite an experience and we have learned so much in the process. The idea of owning a house is very foreign to us and though we have some ideas of how it will feel, I think we have only just begun.
I have been to Lowe’s and Home Depot so many times it’s not funny, but the recent visits have been the most fun. In the past I would walk right past all of the departments that had to do with house stuff and head straight for the tool and electrical sections. Now there’s something cool to look at and think about on every isle. I actually get excited looking at the shovels and rakes because I am going to have somewhere to use that kind of stuff.
I just can’t wait!
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Posted on Feb 25, 2007
I have added a Bulletin Board System. This is a place for everyone conversate** about anything. There is a General Discussion section, a section to submit favorite links from the web as well as a section to submit feedback about the site itself. Digg in!
**Conversate – Well known term in the world of Capital One, apparently.
– Kamen
Posted on Feb 24, 2007
In an effort to get KamenLee.Com viewers more involved, I have installed a comment system that allows anyone to make comments on posts made to the site. I encourage everyone to try it out.
Also, feel free to setup your own account and make posts of your own. Click the register link on the left to get started.
Posted on Feb 16, 2007
A few notes on the progress of our home purchase.
At this point I’m starting to lose track of all the people representing us. Realtor, Mortgage Broker, Lawyer, Inspector, hmm, I’m beginning to feel like I’m in a real life version of Clue. All we need is a candlestick and a ballroom and were good to go.
Anyway, we are making progress with the closing. At this point we are a mere two weeks away from C-Day. As of right now, we plan to close on February 28th. This is depending on our Lawyer being ready and the seller getting the last of his stuff out of the house. We have our fingers crossed. We are also wallowing in the pain that is the cost of roof replacement. Ouch it’s a might expensive. Anyone good at roofing? Yes? Then the Contact Me link is very appropriate here. Your help will bring a weekend full of sun, fun, pizza, and beer! Well, the first three anyway. We’ll leave the beers for after we get off the roof. We don’t need to be taping into the shiny new insurance policy just yet.
Other than the roof, we can see the edge of the forest. Mel and I are very excited, but I don’t think it will feel real until we have to take different roads to get home from work. For Mel it will be driving across the street, which I am certain will feel weird. We’re also waiting for the beloved homeowners association paperwork. We need to be sure I can build more than one tree fort and that the love of my life, thats right, my 1970 El Camino, can sit on blocks out front until I get her rebuilt. Pending those needs are met, I think we have ourselves a deal!
We’ll keep ya posted,
PS – Yes I’m kidding about the El Camino, it’s actually a he!
Posted on Feb 15, 2007
I added some pictures of Grayson in the Appalachian Terrain Park to the Gallery. I must say I’m pretty impressed. Check them out HERE or go to the Photo Gallery link on the left.
Posted on Feb 12, 2007
As you may notice things keep changing, I am still working on this site but have uploaded the pictures I took of the house during the inspection. Click Photo Gallery on the left or Click Here to check it out!