Twitter Activity from 2008-04-17

  • @RobertP I was born in Boone, NC and it’s very similar. Richmond, on the other hand, is much more trendy… #
  • @jkennett If I had a slingshot, I might be able to hit your coffee sipping location from my house… I don’t though, so I won’t… #
  • In response to itchy eyes, tight throat, and general head tension, Benadryl had to be summoned. The sleepys are kicking in…… #
  • @korym So are they putting on their dog and pony show @ the dog and pony show? ………. and the crowd boos at the dorky play on words…. #
  • @ValerieCatrow But you get to see so many great re-runs of cops between 3 and 6! #
  • @HowardFrist Tell Perry that his message last week was AWESOME and that I posted it on my own blog for more people to hear! #
  • So my California trip is SOON and I still have a ton of stuff to finish before then….. #
  • Orbitz is irritating me…… dang site timeouts…. #
  • Protein bars are great and all, but any day I have one for breakfast, I am STARVING by 11:30. So I guess it’s eat or pass out… #
  • Portal…. the flash version….. #
  • @3amJosh Not sure if you saw my recent blog post, but your suggestions are just what I will be doing #
  • @3amJosh Thanks for the comment Josh, very good advise indeed. #
  • This is one of the first times in a LOOOONG time that I have brought my lunch to work instead of going out. It was kinda nice… #
  • @jmlumpkin I wish, because I want to be like Woz…. lasers and all! #
  • @extralife Doctors, Needles, Dentists, if it has a white coat or wants to poke at me I’m a big ole wuss…. #
  • @3amJosh I agree….. and blogged about it too #
  • A techy look back at the Apollo 13 mission #
  • How can a game be bad when it’s called DinglePop? #
  • B.B. King is coming to the Landmark Theater! I am SOOOOOO going! #