This is an open invite to anyone interested in checking out a contemporary church for Easter Service. Richmond Community Church usually has two services on Sunday (9 and 10:45), but for this weekend, RCC has added a 6pm Saturday night service. The above card is for the upcoming series and instead of handing out the few that I had, I figured I would pass it on to ALL of my loyal readers.
Melanie and I are planning on going to the Saturday night service. It doesn’t matter if you know us or not, come join us Saturday night. Or you can go to one of the other services on Sunday. Not in Richmond? Check out the internet campus! You can join us from anywhere!
Saturday March 22nd – 6PM
Sunday March 23rd – 9AM and 10:45AM
Drop me a note if you want more info or have any questions…
If you have never been to a contemporary church, this will be a memorable experience. Awesome live band and lots of slick technology usage. Always enjoyable and ALWAYS positively impacting. Join us won’t you?