Kamen Lee
Twitter Activity from 2008-04-03
Haha, 10K is Sat. morning…. I am so ready! NOT! Why do I do this to myself. Every year is "the year", but it never is…. Stupid Laziness.
@extralife Oh Yeah, well I lost a sock this morning and it has managed to keep me off kilter all day…. stupid sock… My left foot is cold
Looks like Sprint is going to give me lots of options when I get around to replacing my Nextel phone this summer!
@korym My Treo 700P is useless on the Sprint voice network, drops calls all the time. I am only staying for work, b/c I need Dir. Connect
@jmlumpkin My Treo has unlimited data, which is great, the voice service is bad though. Probably just the phone though….. PALM…..srsly?
@extralife Hey LOOK…. I found my left sock too!
is continuing hunt for perfect pen, Uni-Ball Jetstream has been disappointing me…
@pastoralan Any chance you got the GIANT baked potato? Good, very, very filling, but good….
@WilHarris "You were money baby and you didn’t even know it!"
@overbyte Welcome to Twitterfox, my Twittering app of choice as well….
@overbyte That is a pretty cool feature now that you mention it…
@Godstories What an awesome quote! I am currently reading one of his books too!
The perfect church service would be one we were almost unaware of; our attention would have been on God. -C.S Lewis (via @Godstories)
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