Twitter Activity from 2008-04-01

  • WordPress 2.5 rulez teh interwebz! #
  • @korym It was VERY smooth. I didn’t even deactivate any plugins. Not one problem with theme or plugins! #
  • @korym Oh Kory…. if you use it, don’t mess with the stats plugin at all. I reset my stats… 🙁 #
  • @Veronica engadgeT-mobile….. those guys RULE! #
  • EngadgeT-mobile check out their new look after the "controversy" #
  • @extralife What up Mr.J… do your kids friends call youi that… They should #
  • I think I am going to buy The Orange Box this week. Who’s playing Team Fortress 2? #
  • @jmlumpkin I keep hearing that. Even John C. Dvorak said it was awesome. (Of TWiT – This Week in Tech) #
  • @3amJosh Well, tell it to stop it… going crazy is not acceptable when seemingly good gaming is commencing… #
  • @jmlumpkin My main reason is for Team Fortress 2, but I figured $10 more gets me Portal and whatnot, so it will be worth it… #
  • @WilHarris Is "hire" on your side of the pond = to "rent" on this side? #